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  • February 26, 2025
    As the cold weather starts to set in, we all tend to spend more time indoors, where it’s warm, dry and safe. Other creatures have the same idea!
  • February 26, 2025
    The more you know, the better you’ll know how to react and prevent problems. Let’s get into it!
  • Image of a yellow and black bee flying at night. Learn why it's flying at night at Cleveland Bee Removal.
    November 20, 2024
    Most everyone knows that bees forage for nectar and pollen during the day and return to their hive at night. What we may not know is what’s behind that behavior.
  • Image of a jar of whole garlic cloves being scooped out with a spoon. This garlic will be used to repel bee and wasps.
    November 20, 2024
    Are there some more natural and less harmful ways to prevent bees from taking up residence on your property?
  • Image of a hornet with its black abdomen sitting on a piece of bread amongst leaves.
    October 11, 2024
    They’re related to wasps and yellow jackets, but larger and more intimidating.
  • March 3, 2023
    Cleveland Bee Removal offers tips and recommendations for beginner beekeepers looking to start their own hives.
  • A mason bee pokes its head out of its tunnel nest.
    October 10, 2022
    Learn what mason bees are, how they are different from honey bees, if they are harmful, & when they are most active.
  • A carpenter bee pokes its head out of hole it has drilled in wood.
    October 6, 2022
    While carpenter bees are major pollinators, they can become a major nuisance.
  • Image of 6 wasps gathered around each other on a wooden surface.
    August 11, 2022
    Learn why wasps are so aggressive, where they nest, and how to prevent them from swarming your yard.
  • Honey bees swarming on a hive
    July 18, 2022
    Learn about when honey bees swarm, what's happening in their hive during a swarm, and why they aren't dangerous.
  • April 30, 2022
    The warm weather in spring brings out many types of stinging, non-stinging, and wood-destroying flying insects.
  • January 10, 2022
    Let Cleveland Bee Removal arm you with tips and tricks to keep pests living outside, in their homes, instead of yours.
  • A little grey House Mouse is sitting by its nest in an old antique chair.
    September 24, 2021
    Think you have a rodent infestation? Not sure what to do about it? We have some tips and cautions.
  • wasp sitting on the inside of a window glass pane
    August 9, 2021
    It's hot, and you're not the only one seeking some relief. Read more about dos and don'ts for keeping pests out of your comfortable home and away from your outdoor living areas.
  • Young girl holding a butterfly net in a field of grass looks at viewer
    July 9, 2021
    Increased pest activity is a hallmark of summer. Here are the top reasons why hornets, wasps, and mosquitoes love this season as much as we do, and some key ways to take control over the pesky bugs that are looking to share your living spaces.
  • Person in a yellow protective suit tending to a group of beehives in a field of flowers.
    April 29, 2021
    Life’s responsibilities and setbacks can really dampen spirits at times. This past year many people have come to nature in deep and meaningful ways, seeking out healing and a lost sense of connection. Through our experience we’ve found that there are so many reasons why someone might take up beekeeping, but the results tend to be universal – a reduction in stress and anxiety and a greater connection to the natural world.
  • Mouse Nest Inside Wall of Empty Office Building
    January 28, 2021
    Offices, schools, and other buildings have been sitting underused or empty for long stretches of time are the ideal habitat for pests. At Cleveland Bee Removal we know that this threat might not be at the top of management’s list. But we can’t emphasize enough how vital a battle it is to keep waging. Read on for some pointers and suggestions to keep your property pest-free and ready for the day when workers can return.
  • Mice Mother & Pups Eating in a Well-Stocked Kitchen Cabinet
    January 18, 2021
    How quickly do mice reproduce? You might not want to know. Chances are, if you've seen one in or around your home, there are many, many more. Learn the signs of mice presence, why it's serious, and what do to about it.
  • Image of the hind legs and tails or a white rat and brown rat.
    December 8, 2020
    Many pests can easily hide out of sight, until the problem is severe. Worse still is when building owners or residents attempt to remove or exterminate dangerous pests such as wasps or venomous spiders. Cleveland Bee Control has experience with removing several types of pests from buildings and educating building owners on how to prevent future infestations.
  • Image of a swarm of mosquitos flying against a background of green grass.
    August 10, 2020
    Mosquitos can be among the most dangerous of pests, and in Ohio are known to potentially carry several diseases. They are typically most common in warmer weather, from about May until about October in the Cleveland area.
  • July 8, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all of us to spend more time at home than ever before as we try to avoid catching and spreading the devastating virus. In Cleveland and neighboring areas, countless offices, restaurants, bars, movie theaters, and shopping centers are closed or have limited hours, so many of us are now working from home, eating from home, and watching movies at home. The need for a clean and healthy home has never been greater, but with so much more fixing and eating meals in our kitchens, generating more and more garbage and waste, it’s also more of a challenge to keep it clean and healthy.
  • Mouse Chewing on Electrical Wires
    February 17, 2020
    When pests invade your home, it can be devastating and frustrating to get rid of them. Here are some helpful suggestions to get rid of them!
  • Closeup image of a snowflake against a blurred background.
    December 4, 2019
    It's cold outside! We're not the only ones trying to keep warm, read how honey bees keep warm in the winter.
  • Image of bright orange autumn leaves against a blue sky backdrop.
    October 1, 2019
    Fall is in the air but watch out for those angry Yellow Jackets! Learn why these insects are particularly territorial and aggressive during late summer and fall.
  • Image of a small grey mouse sitting in between a wall on top of empty nut shells.
    July 19, 2019
    After making your landlord aware of potential rodent issues, you will likely start to look for information about how to get rid of mice. When residing in an apartment, what not to do is often where you start.