January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
Catch up on reading |
Check for activity on warm winter days, remove dead |
Get equipment ready |
Check food reserves |
Feed if low on capped honey |
Check for eggs and queen |
Reverse hive bodies and clean bottom board |
Install new bees |
First comprehensive inspection of season |
Check for capped brood and brood pattern |
Feed a pollen substitute |
Look for swarm cells |
Add and check honey supers |
Harvest honey |
Check ventilation |
Medicate for nosema |
Check for small hive beetle and put traps in |
Treat tracheal mites with grease patty or menthol |
Test for varroa mites treat with powdered sugar,drone comb, or other |
Prepare hives for winter |
Add mouse guard |
Check entrance for blockage |
Order new bees |
Split strong colonies |
Requeen |
Repace old comb |